

何の電子レンジ使用の有効性に影響を与えますか? 電子レンジで電化製品、日常生活となっている、電子レンジでは、多くの消費者の反応も加熱しますが、食品効果が良いといくつかの食品しある損失の水分、これで実際に使用する、電子レンジ オーブン料理の有効性を主な要因は何適用ですか? 議論する著者: (1) の初期温度。食品、調理時間の初期温度が高いほど短くは冷凍食品、料理、直接調理する前に解凍する必要がありますされません。

2)、食品のサイズ。食品の拡大、もはや調理時間は、電子レンジの吸収には、食べ物が存在するので、マイクロ波フィールドでは、指数関数的減衰の内部の表面までの距離を内部の侵入から食品に近い、食品の中央より多くの弱いフィールド マイクロ波、電子レンジにそれを吸収することができます。食べ物が 5 の厚みより ~ 8cra、そのセンターされますが加熱食品表面熱調理を終了します。だから電子レンジ オーブン料理で、食品ならない重すぎて、大きすぎます。

3) 食品図形。電子レンジのルール コンテンツ簡単かつ均一加熱で食品の形状、不規則な形の場合、シン、あまりにも簡単に部品を絞り込みます。したがって、料理、電子レンジを使用すると、食品、サイズ、太さ過剰いけません。

4) 食品の量。食品、料理の大きい量それぞれ、電子レンジ、最高の料理があります。実際、食品の時間とエネルギーを保存するには、料理を手配するには、セットのボリュームで、可能な限り料理で。
5) 誘電特性の食品。誘電特性の食品食品の吸収、電子レンジ、水分を多く食品誘電率に影響を与える、マイクロ波による水吸収エネルギーをより簡単にします。


(7) の比熱食品。急速に、小さな食品の温度上昇の比熱調理時間が短いです。

ためには、マイクロ波加熱効果は、上記のポイントの動作に注目する必要が良いです !

Iron hot pick a look at the second hearing benefits using an iron, but is not suitable for cooking skillet acidic food cooking can iron from iron material, mainly divided into fine iron and cast iron pot. Cast iron pot it is raw iron. Skillet cooked food during stripping an inorganic iron, easily absorbed and utilized, and often use the skillet for cooking food, contribute to the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia, so I've got a lot of people choose to use the traditional Pan pot.

  Fine cast iron skillet possibilities how to distinguish between students and refined iron? is it legal to human health? said Miss Liao, iron is the selection of the ash iron melting model casting, heat transfer, heat evenly, but the pot ring engraving thick, rough and cracked; refined iron is made of black metal forging or hand-hammered into thin rings with a pot, heat quickly, great features. Journalists in a number of shopping malls, supermarkets, health iron price is cheaper, the container is only a raw iron 34CM, price $ 16. Press and telephone links to the King of cooking utensils co., Ltd. Zhejiang cooking, the company's Marketing Department to Miss told reporters that "raw iron also has a characteristic, when the temperature exceeds 200 ℃, disseminate students an iron will, through a thermal energy is delivered to the food temperature control in 230 ° c, while the fine iron is the temperature directly to food. For most families, it is recommended to use cast iron pot. "But she also stresses the advantages of pure iron, first, because it is made of pure iron, impurities, therefore, the comparison is not uniform heat transfer, prone to stick pot. Second, due to the use of materials, the pot can be very thin, hot temperatures can reach higher. Third, the scale is high, the surface is smooth, clean work well done.

  Buy iron trick either raw or refined iron skillet, how to choose an iron? love Homestead kitchen salesmen revealed to reporters a few tips: a look at the "look", the pots are surface is smooth, but does not require the "smooth as glass", because of the casting, iron has an irregular superficial veins. There is a defect, the general part of the small hill is iron, on the quality of the pot, but pits on the pot of quality against larger, pay attention to the time of purchase. Second, "listening to" uneven pot is not good, can be purchased at the bottom of the sky, fingers resist pot concave Centre, with a hard object percussion. Pot of sound louder, more people feel vibrations, the better. In addition, the sales staff pointed out that the pot has a rust-not necessarily the quality is not good, there is a deposited rust pot description of a long time, but the longer the deposit to the pot, the better, so that the internal organization of the pot can be more stable, not easy to crack at the beginning of time.

